The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (2024)


  • The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (1)
    • The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (2) Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari

      Ginga Tetsudō Monogatari


      Type: TV-Series, 26 (~)

      Status: Completed

      Published: 04.10.2003 ‑ 04.04.2004

      Studio: Studio Kyuuma

      Adapted From: Manga

    • The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (3) The Galaxy Railways

      Status: Completed

      Published: 19.07.2005 ‑ 25.04.2006

      Publisher: FUNimation, Madman Entertainment

    • The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (4) The Galaxy Railways

      Status: Completed

      Published: 19.02.2023 ‑ 13.06.2023

      Publisher: Crunchyroll

    • The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (5) The Galaxy Railways

      Status: Completed

      Published: 10.2005 ‑ 11.2005

      Publisher: Déclic Images, Animation Digital Network

    • The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (6) The Galaxy Railways

      Status: Completed

      Published: 27.10.2014 ‑ ?

      Publisher: Yamato Video S.r.l.


In “The Galaxy Railways”, trains are able to travel through space and no longer need tracks. Instead, large rings generate energy shields to give the trains a route and thus also protect them. While all these trains are operated and, in a way, governed by the Galaxy Railways Corporation, the Space Defense Force takes care of their protection: it is divided into various platoons and takes action against terrorists and alien threats, as well as typical space hazards such as meteorites.

Manabe Yuuki’s dream is to follow his father’s path and join such a platoon – the Sirius Platoon, whose captain was once Manabe’s father before he sacrificed himself during a battle. But because Manabe’s brother also lost his life in the service of such platoons four years later, his mother is clearly opposed when her youngest son receives his admission to the SDF. But neither nagging nor a guilty conscience prevents him from setting out to achieve his dream.

However, this dream is accompanied by numerous hurdles and dangers. Even on the journey, Manabe literally has to deal with the past, while his reception at Sirius Platoon is rather undercooled. The older, cold-seeming Bruce, in particular, doesn’t seem to be in favour of Manabe at all. But the latter doesn’t let such setbacks or the threat of danger get him down and continues to pursue his dream undeterred.


In »The Galaxy Railways« sind Züge mittlerweile dazu in der Lage, durchs All zu fahren, und benötigen dafür keine Gleise mehr. Stattdessen erzeugen große Ringe Energieschilder, um den Züge eine Strecke vorzugeben und sie damit auch zu schützen. Während all diese Züge von der Galaxy Railways Corporation betrieben und verwaltet werden, sorgt die Space Defense Force (SDF) für deren Schutz: Sie ist in diverse Platoons unterteilt und geht gegen Terroristen und außerirdischen Bedrohungen, aber auch typische Weltall-Gefahren wie z. B. Meteoriten vor.

Manabe Yuukis Traum ist es, den Weg seines Vaters einzuschlagen und einem solchen Platoon beizutreten – dem Sirius Platoon, dessen Kapitän einst Manabes Vater war, bevor der sich während einer Schlacht opferte. Weil aber auch Mababes Bruder vier Jahre später sein Leben im Dienst solcher Züge verlor, ist seine Mutter deutlich dagegen, als ihr jüngster Sohn seine Zulassung für die SDF erhält. Doch weder Gezeter noch schlechtes Gewissen verhindern, dass er loszieht, um seinen Traum endlich wahr werden zu lassen.

Dieser Traum geht allerdings mit zahlreichen Hürden und Gefahren einher. Schon auf der Anreise muss sich Manabe wortwörtlich mit der Vergangenheit herumschlagen, während sein Empfang beim Sirius Platoon ziemlich unterkühlt ist; insbesondere der ältere, kalt wirkende Bruce scheint gar nicht gut auf Manabe zu sprechen zu sein. Der lässt sich aber weder von solchen Rückschlägen noch drohenden Gefahren unterkriegen und verfolgt seinen Traum unbeirrt weiter.


Main genres / Subsidiary Genres / Tags

  • Adventure
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Drama
  • Science-Fiction
  • Space



  • The Galaxy Railways
  • The Galaxy Railways

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  • The Galaxy Railways - S.A.V.E.4. March 2014

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  • The Galaxy Railways - Viridian Collection26. February 2008

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  • The Galaxy Railways6. February 2007

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  • The Galaxy Railways - Song Collection9. September 2008

    The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (7) Show details

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  • Manabu YUUKI1 ❤
  • Manabu YUUKI
  • Schwanhelt BULGE1 ❤
  • Bruce J. SPEED1 ❤
  • Mamoru YUUKI
  • Wataru YUUKI
  • Kanna YUUKI
  • Louise FORT DRAKE
  • Kinuko NUKUI
  • Yuki

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  • OVA, 4 (2006)The Galaxy Railways: A Letter from the Abandoned PlanetStudio KyuumaSequel


  • TV-Series, 113 (1978)Galaxy Express 999Toei Animation Co., Ltd.Shared Universe


  • Manga, 18/? (1977)Galaxy Express 999Shougakukan Inc.?


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  • Comments – The Galaxy Railways

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The Galaxy Railways (Anime) (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 6058

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.