Tsymo Pet Feeder Manual Pdf (2025)

1. [PDF] Automatic Pet Feeder - User Manual

  • Open the top cover, then place the feeding tray into the feeder from the front. For your pet's health, please wash the grain bucket and feeding tray regularly.

2. [PDF] Wi-Fi Pet Feeder User Manual

  • Rotate the knob on the top cover. The feeding tray is in the grain bucket. Place the feeding tray into the feeder from the front, then pour pet food into the ...

3. [PDF] Smart Pet Feeder C1 User Manual - Home2Link

4. [PDF] 6-Meal - Automatic Pet Feeder

  • Bevat niet: tsymo | Resultaten tonen met:tsymo

5. [PDF] Instruction Manual - download.chinavasion.com

6. Error messages on your Healthy Pet Simply Feed™ 12-Meal Automatic ...

  • If either error message below is shown on the feeder, remove the bowl and empty the food out of the hopper, then follow the instructions below.

7. Smart Pet Feeder - User manual - Nedis

  • Bevat niet: tsymo | Resultaten tonen met:tsymo

8. Smart Pet Feeder C1 - User Manual - Aqara

  • Smart Pet Feeder C1 Overview Specs FAQ User Manual Installation Video Buy Now User Manual Smart Pet Feeder C1 Preview Download.

  • Smart Pet Feeder C1 Overview Specs FAQ User Manual Installation Video Buy Now User Manual Smart Pet Feeder C1 Preview Download

9. User Manual - honeyguardian

  • Bevat niet: tsymo | Resultaten tonen met:tsymo

  • Welcome to the User Manual Downloads page! Here, you can find detailed instructions for using our products. Whether you're a new customer or just need a refresher, our user manuals are here to help you get the most out of your purchase.

Tsymo Pet Feeder Manual Pdf (2025)


How to reset petlibro feeder manual? ›

Press and hold the Up button and the Down button for three seconds to reset the feeder to factory settings. When the feeder is powered on, press the button once and the feeder will dispense one portion of food. You can press the manual button up to five times and the feeder will dispense five portions of food.

Why is my petlibro flashing red? ›

If it's still blocked, the red light will remain flashing. The colour of the light remains the same under normal feeding. After feeding is done, if a problem is detected (i.e. Low battery, low food supply or food outlet fails to rotate), red light will be on after 2s.

How to lock petlibro automatic feeder? ›

Just press the top button to remove the air and securely lock the tank. Even if the feeder is tipped over, the pet food is never spilled. The control panel cover prevents pets from changing the controls. Never worry about a naughty paw.

How do you use the 6 meal automatic pet feeder? ›

Fill the feeder with up to one cup of dry or semi-moist food. Place the lid on the feeder and twist clockwise to tighten. Press the meal schedule button for 2 seconds. Along the bottom of the screen the schedule icon and the six meals will be displayed.

How do you reset the button on a pet feeder? ›

Use the end of a paperclip to press and hold the reset/ reboot button for 3-5 seconds until the LED blinks white to show a successful reboot. If the feeder successfully reconnects to your Wi-Fi with internet, the LED will blink blue and then turn solid showing it is fully connected and operational.

How do you reprogram a microchip feeder? ›

Reset the feeder to factory settings, holding down the Add Pet ( ) button for 10 seconds (until the light starts alternating red / green and the lid opens and closes). Then re-learn your pet(s) in to the feeder again - see page 8.

Will Petlibro work without Wi-Fi? ›

Once the feeder is set up, it will continue dispensing food even if the Wi-Fi is temporarily disconnected. You can also manually feed your pet by pressing the feed button on the machine. Feeding records will sync with the app when wifi is restored, but only if the feeder automatically reconnects.

How do you unlock an automatic pet feeder? ›

The buttons lock after 2 minutes of inactivity. The lock icon on the screen indicates that the buttons are locked. Press the center and up button at the same time to unlock the buttons.

What does outlet is blocked mean on Petlibro? ›

"Outlet is blocked" means that something is in the channel of the food outlet, and it is sensed by the infrared light, that's why you receive the error message. You can troubleshoot via the steps below: 1. Clean the food outlet with a tissue and see if the error message still persists.

Can you put wet food in an automatic pet feeder? ›

Many automatic feeders are designed for dry food, though there are options for wet food.

What times should I set my automatic feeder? ›

Thus, more frequent small meals throughout the day are ideal. Divide their daily feed into at least four portions instead of 2 for older cats. Set the feeder to dispense the first serving early in the morning, then every 6 hours.

Are automatic pet feeders worth it? ›

Overall, automatic pet feeders often work well and do what they are supposed to do. If your pet is thriving on a dry food diet and you are familiar with their eating habits, automatic feeders can be a great option for busy days or short trips. However, remember that a feeder should never be a replacement for you.

How do I get my pet feeder back online? ›

If the router or internet is not working, try resetting the router or contact your internet provider. Power cycle the feeder by turning off the power switch. Wait 10 seconds and turn the power switch back on. Check for other devices near the feeder that use the internet or other wireless signals (such as a microwave).

How do I reset my Petkit mini feeder? ›

The device has a lithium battery. If you do not need to use the device for an extended period of time, you must turn the device off yourself. At the same time, hold down the bowl reset button together with the manual food dispenser button for 5 seconds.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.