Rocket League and Epic Games has been brilliant at offering their players base a plethora of chaotic yet terrific competitive game modes, whether that is the standard ranked gameplay, Snow Day, Rumble, or Dropshot mode. Ranked matches are competitive by nature and through competing in these matches, players are given a competitive Rocket League rank that reflects their skill level. Players can rise and ultimately fall into lower ranks based on their performances in matches, with wins helping you rise in ranks and losses doing the opposite.
This ELO ranking system not only allows you to play with rocket league players that are of a similar ability to yourself but also puts you in line for prizes at the end of the Rocket League season. Note that the ranking system is different from the leveling system, as XP Level doesn't reflect player skill.
What are the Rocket League Ranks?
The ranks within the game are referred to as tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Champion, Grand Champion and Supersonic Legend). These represent the skill level expressed with your MMR rating of all the players that are within their bracket and do so clearly through their quality system and their various related emblems. There are 22 Rocket League ranks in total. Here is a quick list of the available ranks that you can earn and their associated MMR:
Bronze I | 0 - 172 | |
Bronze II | 172 - 233 | |
Bronze | 235 - 290 | |
Silver I | 295 - 349 | |
Silver | 355 - 414 | |
Silver III | 415 - 469 | |
Gold | 475 - 524 | |
Gold | 535 - 585 | |
Gold | 595 - 644 | |
Platinum | 655 - 705 | |
Platinum | 714 - 765 | |
Platinum II | 772 - 825 | |
Diamond | 835 - 900 | |
Diamond II | 915 - 980 | |
Diamond III | 995 - 1060 | |
Champ I | 1075 - 1180 | |
Champ II | 1195 - 1300 | |
Champ III | 1315 - 1420 | |
Grand Champion I | 1435 - 1559 | |
Grand Champion II | 1575 - 1701 | |
Grand Champion | 1709 - 1860 | |
Supersonic Legend | 1861+ |
Divisions in Rocket League
There are four divisions per rank and these loosely equate to two wins a division. So for example, the order would be Bronze 1 Division 1, then Division 2, Division 3, Division 4, and then Bronze 2 Division 1.
You can see more details about rank divisions in our guide.
How to Get Your First Rank?
New players begin unranked and will need to complete 10 matches to get their first rank. This allows the game to compare your performances throughout these ranked matches to other players who are ranked and place you accordingly.
Matches do not need to be played in full to count toward your ranking. Quitting matches or disconnecting (even due to errors) will still result in a loss against your opponent - so be mindful. See our guide on getting your new rank.
How the Rocket League ELO system (MMR) works
How does Rocket League know how skilled you are? Well, it does this through a scoring system called MMR or matchmaking rank. This is a hidden score that you acquire through your competitive matches and your MMR is affected positively or negatively depending on if you win or lose.
What is MMR?
MMR stands for Match Making Rank and is an invisible score that will determine which ranked matches you are placed in, what rank you are in, and what pool of players you can encounter. Also remember, even though each game mode has the same set of ranks, a platinum player in doubles isn't as good as a platinum player in Solo or 3V3 for example.
What affects your MMR?
Many players believe that there are a plethora of contributing factors that lead to this score, aspects of gameplay such as assists, goals, points, and saves for example. However, there are only two contributing factors, these being wins and losses.
The way that this can vary when gaining or losing MMR points relies on the players you encounter. For example, if a player has a significantly higher MMR rating and you lose the match, then the loss of MMR points for you will be significantly less than if you lost against a player with an equivalent or lower MMR score to yourself. Quitting also results in a lower MMR score. You can see the details of the exact MMR changes per game in our guide.
How to see your MMR?
Although in normal circ*mstances this score is unable to be accessed by the player, there is a way to access this score. Our guide will tell you everything you need to know to see your exact MMR. However, this cannot be done through the vanilla game. It will require a mod or you will need to check on third-party websites. The mods to check the matchmaking rank are Bakkesmod or the Tracker Network Overlay.
How does MMR Translate to a Specific Rank?
Let's take an example. Let's say you're Silver 1 Division 4, and your MMR is 185.
If we assume the following:
MMR | Rank |
151-175 | Silver 1 Div 3 |
176-200 | Silver 1 Div 4 |
201-210 | Ghost Rank (Silver 1/2 Buffer) |
211-225 | Silver 2 Div 1 |
You would need to accrue enough wins to get your MMR to 211 to move up the ranks from Silver 1 Division 4 to Silver 2 Division 1. But there's a caveat, and if you've carefully looked at the above table, you've noticed a range called a buffer zone, also called "Ghost rank".
Essentially, whatever rank you are when you enter the buffer zone, you stay that same rank until you either rank up enough or de-rank enough to change ranks. If you're MMR is 185 and you're Silver 1 Div 4, then you win a few matches and get to 205 MMR, you will still be Silver 1 Div 4, until you leave the Ghost Rank and your ranks goes to 211 and above
Likewise, if you're Silver 2 Div 1 starting with 220 MMR, then you lose a few matches and get to 205 MMR, you will still be Silver 2 Div 1, until you further decrease your MMR to 200 or below, at which point you will move to Silver 1 Division 4.
The reason for this is to avoid players jumping back and forth between different ranks after every win or loss.
Ranking Distribution
What’s fantastic about this ranking system for players that are specialists in a certain game mode is that each mode has its own ranking system. Meaning that if you are ranked quite low in singles but are much more effective when playing doubles, then this isn’t an issue at all. You can play ten unranked matches within doubles and achieve a completely separate ranking.
If you want to know more about rank distribution in Rocket League, check out our guide.
The highest rank in Rocket League is Supersonic Legend. In September 2020 Psyonix announced this new rank and placed it on the highest end of the ladder. Players with this rank belong to the top 0,01% to 0,03% of all players, due to how rank disparity works in Rocket League.
If you want to know more about the highest rank in Rocket League, check out our guide.
If we discount the time when you're unranked, the lowest rank in Rocket League is Bronze 1 Division 1. Check out our guide on the lowest rank in Rocket League to know more.
So far we've explained how MMR and a player's rank works for an individual player. Now, we're going to explain how the game calculates the whole team's MMR, as different players in a team will have different MMR rating.
If you are playing with random teammates, your team MMR is the exact average of all the players' MMRs. For example, if the players on a team have 1100, 1000, and 900 MMR respectively, the team's rating will be 1000.
If you're in a party, however, there are 2 scenarios.
Scenario 1: One or more players have an MMR higher than 1140. In this case, the team's rating will be equal to the MMR of the highest-ranked player. For example, if the players on a team have 1200, 1000 and 900 MMR respectively, the team's rating will be 1200.
Scenario 2: There aren't players with an MMR higher than 1140. In this case, the team's rating is strongly weighted towards the highest-ranked player in a party. We won't go into the exact formula, but for example, if the players on a team have 1139, 1000 and 600 MMR, the team's rating will be 1068.
What about rank resets? Does it exist in Rocket League as well? The short answer is Yes. At the end of each season, a soft rank reset occurs, meaning that all players Players' ranks are reset to unranked but they have to play 10 placement matches to obtain a new rank. Moreover, ranks can "reset" back to Unranked if you didn't play Rocket League for 30 days.
Check out our soft and hard rank reset article if you are interested in learning the specifics.
Although there is no set formula for success in ranked matches as every game provides different scenarios, there are ways to be more consistently successful and to get that ball into the net. Each game mode offers a different challenge and different players will have alternative competitive play styles you will have to adapt to.
Though overall, there are tips and tricks to improve and rank up that we have put together that will give you an edge in most in-game situations.
So you might be wondering, with all these ranks and the hard work it takes to get them, why do it. There are bragging rights of course, plus the pride and joy feel with each new rank. However, there are tangible, concrete rewards as well. These are special and free Rocket League items that are exclusive to the participants of the current season. Season rewards vary from season to season and from rank to rank, and there are no one-size-fits-all rewards for everyone.
The Rocket league ranking system is very intuitive, easy to understand and most importantly, is a fair and balanced challenge. Those who work hard, win games and work well as a solo competitor or teammate will ascend the ranks fast. While those who have more to learn to master the game will perhaps rank somewhere amongst the majority of players within gold and platinum.
It’s a system that offers players the chance to know their worth and achievements within the community. It allows the player to show off their prestige through emblems in matches and competitive tournaments. Then perhaps most importantly, it allows players to gather wins and collect loot for their grind, hard work and playtime put into the game. It forces players to compete against players of a similar caliber and pushes them to become better than they already are. It’s the ultimate motivational tool.
So if you want to get to a grand champion rank or even to a supersonic legend, get out there, get yourself a teammate or play alone, get ranked, and win some games.